Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Article Ideas for Cycle 6

Trends in social media: Old platforms vs. new; what are students adopting now; why transitioning away from older platforms

Managing social media in your life: Avoiding stress; responding to drama; limiting demands on time

Legend in my own mind: How can success in our earlier years impact our decisions, preferences, and self-perception as we mature? Finding students with stories about successes from early childhood, from a "most improved trophy to a "I participated" ribbon, and finding out how these small; victories changed our lives.

Cutting edge technology -- tales from the old people (teachers). What was considered cutting edge technology when you were in high school? find something that was AMAZING now, but doesn't really even exist (it isn't used much/in the same way) now.

May: national physical fitness and sports month:
1. What was P.E. like for teachers? What strange practises / limitations / games were used?
2. Which students do something unique / interesting to keep in shape?

Polls on movies, prom, new ideas brought around campus.

Are participation awards, a productive idea.

What holidays are no longer relevant, should there be any new holidays. What makes one person deserve a holiday.

What is the popular activities outside of the classroom compared to older times.

How is study abroad good and bad for students. Is it a good idea to have this available to students

It is claimed this generation has weird Phobias and overuses mental health issues, compared to previous years. Are me more aware than before or more dependent.

Best way to reach out to people; media has persuaded and informed people over the years and with some forms dying out, what is the best way to communicate ideas now.

Teens lives now vs Teens lives 10 years ago. New fashion, work stress, and activities

P.E tests to other testing forms outdated

One thing students want to see done at the high school the most ( interview questions)

Interview teachers that have written a text book. The process and use of the book

Jobs among students, how does it effect them, what jobs are best, weirdest, most money, and best hours.

Best excuse that teachers have heard for missing class or assignments

All- year- school, with more spring breaks. would it be more efficient to break up summer and have more week to two week breaks than three months off all together.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Marketing Training

Step One: Identify your customers

Step Two: Create Necessary Documents
-- Letter of introduction
-- Rate Sheet

Step Three Getting Access:
-- Make sure appearance is professional

  • Jeans or slacks, 
  • Wolf shirt, 
  • Button down / nice top
  • Shake hands, eye contact
-- Ask for manager -- wait for people to help customers
-- Explain exactly what you are looking for, and how it benefits them
-- Be considerate about when you ask. 

  • Food: General Managers are there during day

-- Business cards? Leave our contact information and get theirs. We prefer to be contacted by email

-- When you get their information, make sure you find out how they prefer to be contacted. 

Fundraising Letter

Rate Sheet

Potential Advertisers

Student-Relevant Interests
Blazin Bagels     HAILEY
Black Bear Froyo     HAILEY
911 Driving School     HAILEY
Red Wagon     EDDIE
Mecconis      KYLE
Planned Parenthood
Jamba Juice     KATE
Emerald City Smoothie     KOLLEE
Pita Pit     ALICIA
McDonalds     KYLE
Brewery City Pizza     KATE
Dairy Queen     KATE
Eagan's     ATLANTA
Panera Bread
Applebees     ATLANTA
Menchies     ALEX
ColdStone     KOLLEE
Papa John's     HAILEY
Baskin Robbins     TYRA
Archibald Sisters     TYRA
Compass Rose     TYRA
South Sound Running     KYLE
Avenue Espresso     TRISTAN
Fred Meyer Jewlers     ALICIA
Papa Murphy's     ALICIA
Little Caesar
Tumwater Lanes     SAMMI
Airport Golf and Batting Center
PlayLive Gaming Lounge
Taco Del Mar
Wembly Soccer Shop
Men's Warehouse
David's Bridal
Proactive     SAMMI
Businesses with Student Connections
Good Guys Used Cars     SAMMI
A Smile Like Yours
Black Diamond Roofing
Taylor Reno's Soy Candles
Dr. DeJesus    
Dr. Lasley (Kaden's Dad)
Lou Nemeth Coffee
Delaney Hawley -- Photos     TRISTAN
Draevin Luke -- Photos      TRISTAN

Advertising / Fundraising for Future Publications

The Problem: 
ASB funds were approx. $400
CTE funds were approx. $600 
Publishing a newspaper costs 373.00
We have about $254 left
We need money if we want to print again.

The Solution: 
You :D ...we need to find advertisers (or create other fundraising opportunities)

Identify potential advertisers
Create / approve a rate sheet
Create a fundraising document / intro letter
Get some marketing training from our DECA stars
Introduce ourselves to the advertisers

Revision Activity for Legislative Article

Yesterday, we worked together on peer-editing the legislation article. You should have been provided with a peer review that did the following:
  1. In a couple of sentences, summarize what info. was well-developed and which ideas need additional support
  2. In a couple of sentences, identify places where the organization or LTQT format of the writing is weak, and provide suggestions
  3. Provide THREE questions or suggestions for extending and developing the discussion in the article
Today, you need to revise and supplement your coverage of the article. As you write, highlight your changes, and let me know which corrections are the result of feedback you got from the person who peer edited your paper. 

NOTE: You need to address at least one of the suggestions/ questions your partner provided in part three of the peer edit. One of the most important parts of news writing is to anticipate the questions, concerns, or implications raised by the news discussion and provide this coverage to the reader.

Peer Editing Activity for Legislative Article

Writing about these complex, developing issues can me more challenging than a typical article.  Today, we're going to do some peer-editing and have an opportunity to revise and develop the discussions in our articles.

Step One:  Read the article all the way through ONCE. You can jot some notes down on paper, but limit your time. After all, newspaper readers don't typically reread the news.  

Step Two: Once you are done, close out of the document (or shut the Chromebook) and answer the following to the best of your ability:

  • What basic information about the legislation do you remember?
  • The bill name or title?
  • What does the legislation do?
  • What problem does it attempt to solve
  • What kind of progress has recently been made?
  • How will the law be implemented? By whom?
  • Who supports the bill and why?
  • Who opposes the bill and why?
  • What is going to happen with the legislation in the near future?

Step Three: When you answered the questions, you probably didn't have all the information requested in part two. There are three possibilities for why this is the case:

  • The information just wasn't there
  • The information was there, but was not presented in a clear, organized way
  • You simply couldn't recall because of the brief reading you gave the bill

Good news writing addresses ALL of the three possible weaknesses. When we write articles we need to 

  1. Do the necessary research so we can present a complete understanding of the issues we cover
  2. Organize the information clearly to support reader understanding
  3. Draw attention to the main ideas we present with a summary lede and transition sentences that support reader understanding of content despite the quick reading news usually gets.

Step Four: Provide feedback / suggestions that might help the writer address the weaknesses of the article.  

  1. In a couple of sentences, summarize what info. was well-developed and which ideas need additional support
  2. In a couple of sentences, identify places where the organization or LTQT format of the writing is weak, and provide suggestions
  3. Provide THREE questions or suggestions for extending and developing the discussion in the article.